Sunday, August 14, 2011

Vacation Day 2.......

My brother and his family made it safely! YAY!!!!!! I got to hang out with my friend. I tried to feel her baby kick but she (the baby) was being stubborn.  We went out to eat and took my kid some of everywhere. He had a blast. He never gets to stay up this late.
Tomorrow is Monday so Ruth (my friend) has to work. I won't get to see her until maybe later in the day or later in the week. My brother and I are going to just chill around the house and let the cousins play and get acquainted with each other. While my mother says that they have two completely different personalities, I think they'll get along famously.

Well, it's wasn't only a long day for the kid, but it was a long day for his mommy as well. I'm going to hit the hay now.


  1. Sounds like you had a full day. I'm so jealous--you get a 2 week vacation! ;)

  2. Yea it's great, and I'm really enjoying my family!!
